国 际 使 命 

领 袖 培 育 中 心

International Mission Leadership Training Center

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        The International Mission Leader Training Center is a comprehensive organization that integrates international exchanges, leader training certification and leadership research. It is a non-profit organization certified by the United States and meets the filing qualification of the Ministry of Justice.

The Cultivation Certification Center is responsible for the evaluation and certification of the global leadership training system.

The Leader Certification Center is conducted by an international certification group to provide qualification and certification for global Chinese leaders.

The Expansion Center conducts new layouts and expansions for new fields.

The Exchange Center provides a platform for leaders who are already working on the front line to conduct research, exchange and international visits and studies.

The Care Center primarily provides assistance to leaders who are already on the front lines.

The Leadership Research Center has established a leadership doctoral program to provide in-depth research guidance for leaders with independent research capabilities, and to promote contemporary and contextualized leadership research.

        国际使命领袖培育中心起源于20世纪90年代,由参与许多不同领域的华人领袖所开创。经过多年的发展和成长,目前是集国际交流、领袖培育认证、领导力研究等多重工作于一体的综合性国际使团 。是美联邦认证的非盈利组织,符合司法部备案资格







国 际 培 育

认 证 中 心

 International Cultivation Certification Center

国 际 领 袖

认 证 中 心

International Leader Certification Center

国 际 团 队

拓 展 中 心

 International Team Expansion Center

国 际 领 袖

交 流 中 心

International Leaders Exchange Center

国 际 领 袖

关 顾 中 心

International Leaders Care Center


研 究 中 心

International Leadership Research Center